Make-up / Styling

Professional make-up styling for you and your occasion, on location in the studio or at your home.

Coaching from a professional for your make-up routine

Your perfect make-up styling for the big day – put your trust in us for your wedding styling.

TV and photo
Make-up styling

Book professional make-up artists for film and video shoots, photo shoots and more.

Book Make Up Styling

– a make-up styling perfectly tailored to you personally and your wishes.

From a subtle natural daytime look to expressive evening make-up, radiant wedding styling, perfect make-up for photo shoots and themed make-up for theme parties & co.

Studio Service - Book make-up styling in Vienna and Linz

Our modern, well-equipped studio with over 20 mirrors and radiant lighting offers the perfect atmosphere for your professional styling.
With a glass of sparkling wine, large mirrors, perfect lighting and a photo corner, styling becomes a real experience.

Home Service - Make-up styling at your home

Would you like to enjoy our service at home?
We are also happy to come directly to you or to another desired location. For this we charge 0,42€ per KM from our studio in Linz.

Make-Up Basic: 89€
Make-up styling: 140€

Temporary service - book a make-up artist for your event

Would you like your make-up artist to stay with you during the photo shoot?

Then book a full-day or half-day package. Price on request.

Styling request

Client Feedback

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Info Call

Hey Beauty! Nice that we will have a call!

Let us know when you can best be reached and when you have about 20 minutes to talk to us. We look forward to getting to know you without obligation!

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