Make-up artist training

Make-Up Artist

Base price

only 2.990,- / monthly from 269€





Your bonus

Included in the basic price for your training!

Course details

Get out of your comfort zone!
To be successful as a make-up artist, you need extensive knowledge in a wide range of areas, from complete type changes to extreme hairstyling.
It is therefore particularly important to complete a sound training course, which in turn is the specialty of our top trainers.
We offer the CAMBIO PRO Make-Up Artist course exclusively to our graduates as a 6-month advanced course after or during the dipl. Make-up course into the world of make-up artists.

We are dividing our March Makeup Artist courses into two main areas from 2022: FASHION & SFX

In the SFX (Special Effect) course, some course days are specially tailored to the techniques and arts for film and TV.

The FASHION focus includes special course days on the subject that prepare students for advertising shots, photo shoots, etc.

The course content is the same for SFX & Fashion Make-Up Artist:

The special contents in SFX Make-Up Artist:

The special contents of the FASHION Make-Up Artist:

Part-time courses

5-month part-time course

One weekend course per month
for 5 months

Saturday from 12:00 to 21:00
Sunday from 09:00 to 18:00

Practice models are made up between the course modules.

The exam takes place one month after the end of the course.

Educational leave gives employees the opportunity to take between 2 and 12 months off work and devote themselves to training and further education – without terminating their employment relationship.
During this time, the employee receives further training allowance from the AMS in the amount of the unemployment benefit. Additional earnings up to the marginal earnings threshold of EUR 475.86 per month (2021) are permitted during educational leave. There is no financial support for the training costs.

Requirements for educational leave

  • An uninterrupted employment relationship of at least six months with an employer above the marginal earnings threshold.
  • Agreement between employee and employer.
  • The employee must meet the eligibility requirements for unemployment benefit.
  • Participation in one or more educational measures amounting to at least 20 hours per week (16 hours for people with children up to the age of 7).

Application procedure

  • Clarification with the employer
  • Clarification with the AMS
    Written proof of 20 or 16 hours per week from the Cambio Beautyacademy
  • Application to the AMS
  • Most of our make-up artist training courses are suitable for educational leave.

More info

Part-time education gives employees the opportunity to reduce their working hours by between 4 and 24 months and thus devote themselves to training and further education – without terminating their employment relationship. The reduction can be between 25 % and 50 % of the current scope of work.

During this time, the employee receives part-time education allowance from the Public Employment Service in the amount of 84 cents per reduced working hour per day (e.g: You reduce from 40 to 30 hours per week and therefore receive 10 x 0.84 x 30 (if June) = 252 euros).

Requirements for part-time education

  • An uninterrupted employment relationship of at least six months with an employer above the marginal earnings threshold.
  • Agreement between employee and employer.
  • The employee must meet the eligibility requirements for unemployment benefit.
  • Participation in one or more educational measures totaling 10 hours per week.

Application procedure

  • Clarification with the employer
  • Clarification with the AMS
  • Written proof of 10 hours per week from the Vitalakademie
  • Application to the AMS
    Most of our make-up artist training courses are suitable for educational leave.

More info

In previous years, the AMS often promoted individual training and further education. In the meantime, however, the financing of training in adult education by the Labor Market Service is the exception rather than the rule. Jobseekers should nevertheless talk to their responsible AMS advisor about possible funding for the course costs. However, the basic prerequisite is always a positive assessment of the labor market-related usability of the training or further training.

AMS qualification support for employees

With this subsidy, the AMS supports the costs of further training for low-skilled and older employees. Employers (not employees!) can receive this support. In addition to educational criteria, the training must meet at least 24 course hours. 50 % of the course costs will be refunded.

Further information

AMS business start-up program

With the business start-up program, the Public Employment Service supports unemployed people in setting up viable new businesses and creating jobs. If this start-up program is used, any training costs are also borne by the AMS.

Further information

Promotion of personnel development

The Public Employment Service supports you in the further development of your employees. The Public Employment Service supports you in your company’s personnel development with qualifications for employees.

Further information

Upper Austria – Education account of the province of Upper Austria

The education account is used to promote job-oriented further training and retraining (excluding retraining as defined by the AMS) to secure employment. The state’s education account covers 30% (60% in exceptional cases) of the course costs up to a maximum total funding amount of EUR 2000 for almost all groups of people. The application for funding can only be submitted after the course has been completed.

Further information

Vienna – WAFF

The WAFF (Vienna Employee Assistance Fund) offers several funding options. The common requirement is always a residence in Vienna. Please clarify directly with the WAFF advisors which options are suitable for you.

Further information

Lower Austria – Education funding

The Province of Lower Austria makes a contribution to the financing of training costs for persons participating in vocational training measures. One requirement is that the training measure must serve the purpose of job-specific further training.

Further information

Salzburg – Education voucher

The aim of this funding campaign is to improve the professional qualifications of Salzburg employees to ensure their employability in current and future fields of activity. The Salzburg education voucher is used to support job-oriented further education or training courses in which qualifications are taught that can either be used directly in professional life or are a prerequisite for a desired career change (retraining).

Further information

Styria – Graz Fund for Advancement and Development

The “Graz Fund for Advancement and Development” (GraF0) is an offer for working Graz residents aged between 18 and 64 with a low household income. The Labor and Employment Department of the Social Welfare Office promotes courses, further training and retraining with a focus on professional development. Funding of up to 2,500 euros per person possible.

Further information

Burgenland – Qualification grant

The qualification promotion grant is used for further training in the current profession but also for people who want to change their profession. Training measures that are suitable for improving the employment situation and that do not fall within the remit of other funding bodies (AMS, WIBAG, etc.) are eligible for funding.

Further information

Tyrol – Education allowance update

The aim is to increase the professional qualifications of the workforce. Training and further education are supported with a grant of 30% (but max. 500 euros) of the course costs. Eligible persons include Employees, unemployed persons, persons returning to work, self-employed persons with max. 9 employees and people who have their place of residence or employment in Tyrol. Applications must be submitted no later than two weeks after the start of training. However, the grant is only paid out after the training has been completed.

Further information

Vorarlberg – Education grants

There are various funding opportunities in Vorarlberg. They differ according to the type of training and the group of people eligible for support. Applications can be submitted after the start of training at the earliest; the financial support is paid out after the end of training.

Further information

Carinthia – Education support for employees

The education grant provides financial support for employees, freelancers and people returning to work who are undergoing further vocational training at an educational institution recognized by the State of Carinthia. Sustainable professional use is a prerequisite. The application can be submitted at the earliest at the start of the training.

Further information

Expenses for educational measures such as training and further training or retraining are deductible as “income-related expenses” from the amount of your non-wage labor costs for tax purposes if they represent costs for further training, training in a related profession or comprehensive retraining. A professional connection is therefore an absolute prerequisite.

Deductible are:

  • Course costs (course fee)
  • Costs for documents, specialist literature
  • Costs for “work equipment” (e.g. pro rata PC costs)
  • additional travel costs
  • if necessary, daily allowances (for the first five days if the course does not take place at the place of residence or work)
  • Overnight stay costs

The costs can be taken into account in the income tax return, whereby employees receive a partial refund of wage tax and self-employed persons receive a reduction in the income tax payable.

Further information

High-quality professional products

Professionalism and quality are not only important to us in training, but of course also in the products we work with.

We have put together a product range that is professional and affordable AND plays in the premier league in terms of coverage, durability and pigmentation.
You can optionally purchase these starter packages at the start of each course.

Make-Up Artist Product Starter Package

for your Cambio Make-Up Artist course

€ 230,-

The Pro Make-Up starter package is recommended if you would like to attend the Cambio Makeup Artist training.

It contains all the special effect products you need for your training.

  • Cameleon Aqua Base Colors 12
  • Cameleon Body Painting Brush
  • Cameleon alcohol colors 6
  • Kryolan Pros Aide 50ml
  • Kryolan TV Paint Stick ivory & v23
  • Kryolan Bald Glatzan
  • Kryolan mastic
  • Kryolan eyebrow plastic surgery
  • Kryolan Fixing Powder
  • Kryolan liquid latex
  • Kryolan Artex
  • Various sponges
  • Various savings
  • Bond Off 10

Hair styling product starter package

for your Cambio Make-up Artist course

€ 99,-

The Pro Hair starter package is recommended if you would like to attend the Cambio Makeup Artist training.

Here are some styling products that you will need during your training.

  • Indola hairspray
  • Indola Styling Wax
  • Indola Texture Rough Up
  • Indola Texture Powder
  • Indola Seine Wax
  • Indola Texture Fibermold

Make-Up Artist exam at Cambio

Cambio stands for quality, our graduates are well-known in the industry and successful training at Cambio demonstrates craftsmanship and knowledge. Our tests ensure that this well-known quality can be maintained on a large scale.

The procedure

The make-up artist exam is similar to the make-up artist exam, but there is no theoretical part.

The practical part is divided into a more elaborate layout make-up and a theme make-up, the results are again assessed using a points system.

In the Layout Make-Up, the entire look of the given photo is to be recreated on the test model within one hour – make-up, hair styling and the outfit including accessories. The implementation and quality of execution is then assessed by the chairperson of the examination.

This leaves three hours for the supreme discipline – themed make-up. This differs in the SFX and Fashion course.

In the SFX Make-Up Artist course, the topic is announced one month before the exam and the course participant is then tasked with creating an entire mood board and using it to shape their ideas on a FaceChart. This FaceChart serves as a template for the model’s styling on the day of the test.

Once the 3-hour time limit has expired, your own look is presented together with the mood board, and the result, the execution, the wealth of ideas and the quality of the work are then assessed using a points system.

The Fashion Make-Up Artist is free to choose the theme of the Editorial Make-Up section and a mood board is created for it. During the three hours, two coordinated looks can be created and shot.

The fantastic results are again put in the right light by a professional photographer and unforgettable photos of the exam styling are created.

This course also concludes with an individual diploma which is awarded after the examination.

After the test

After training at Cambio, you have countless opportunities – you can become self-employed, apply for a job as a make-up artist in large companies, offer your work as an additional service in a company and much more. New jobs are created every day and there is guaranteed to be the right one for you and your skills.

Go for it! Follow your passion!

The beauty industry is currently booming and new products and trends are flooding the market.

The perfect time to get started as a make-up artist.

Commercial make-up used to be the preserve of hairdressers and beauticians, but those days are over – make-up artists now have their own profession, and rightly so.

The professional field has expanded considerably – beyond traditional clients and styling appointments, make-up artists can increasingly be found in the video & TV business, on photo shoots and fashion shows. They are sent out as brand ambassadors and build up their own business; established artists are also often hired as editors for magazines and online journals.

Depending on your personality and interests, there are countless opportunities to turn your passion into a career, whether in various perfumeries, at product counters, with color and style consultants, in various agencies or as a wedding stylist. It is possible to work as an employee, but also to become self-employed and set up your own company – as a part-time job or as a full-time job.

The basis for success is always a sound education and various further training courses in the specific areas – because knowledge creates independence.

It also requires a high degree of initiative when it comes to acquiring new knowledge, creativity to develop new ideas and visions, courage to explore new or as yet unknown paths and, above all, a great deal of passion – for the craft itself and the magic that can be achieved with it.

Improve your skills

With Cambio you have the opportunity to continue your development after your training, initially by collecting practical hours. It’s about more than just the hours – it’s about developing your skills, gaining experience, making contacts and also becoming familiar with new situations, e.g. photo shoots.

Use our network

Use the network we make available to you – the Cambio Family Group on Signal, for example, or on Facebook – where jobs are often advertised by us as well as by former graduates. But also use it to ask questions, take the initiative yourself and get partners on board for projects you would like to do.

So harness the power of a team, the Cambio Family, your course group, who believe in YOU and your talent.

Visualize your dreams

We start working with you on your dreams and goals during your training. Create your own vision wall, get inspiration and allow ideas that seem nonsensical at first – you’ll see that it’s worth it.

Get out of your comfort zone!
To be successful as a make-up artist, you need extensive knowledge in a wide range of areas, from complete type changes to extreme hairstyling.
It is therefore particularly important to complete a sound training course, which in turn is the specialty of our top trainers.
We offer the CAMBIO PRO Make-Up Artist course exclusively to our graduates as a 6-month advanced course after or during the dipl. Make-up course into the world of make-up artists.

We are dividing our March Makeup Artist courses into two main areas from 2022: FASHION & SFX

In the SFX (Special Effect) course, some course days are specially tailored to the techniques and arts for film and TV.

The FASHION focus includes special course days on the subject that prepare students for advertising shots, photo shoots, etc.

The course content is the same for SFX & Fashion Make-Up Artist:

The special contents in SFX Make-Up Artist:

The special contents of the FASHION Make-Up Artist:

Part-time courses

5-month part-time course

One weekend course per month
for 5 months

Saturday from 12:00 to 21:00
Sunday from 09:00 to 18:00

Practice models are made up between the course modules.

The exam takes place one month after the end of the course.

Educational leave gives employees the opportunity to take between 2 and 12 months off work and devote themselves to training and further education – without terminating their employment relationship.
During this time, the employee receives further training allowance from the AMS in the amount of the unemployment benefit. Additional earnings up to the marginal earnings threshold of EUR 475.86 per month (2021) are permitted during educational leave. There is no financial support for the training costs.

Requirements for educational leave

  • An uninterrupted employment relationship of at least six months with an employer above the marginal earnings threshold.
  • Agreement between employee and employer.
  • The employee must meet the eligibility requirements for unemployment benefit.
  • Participation in one or more educational measures amounting to at least 20 hours per week (16 hours for people with children up to the age of 7).

Application procedure

  • Clarification with the employer
  • Clarification with the AMS
    Written proof of 20 or 16 hours per week from the Cambio Beautyacademy
  • Application to the AMS
  • Most of our make-up artist training courses are suitable for educational leave.

More info

Part-time education gives employees the opportunity to reduce their working hours by between 4 and 24 months and thus devote themselves to training and further education – without terminating their employment relationship. The reduction can be between 25 % and 50 % of the current scope of work.

During this time, the employee receives part-time education allowance from the Public Employment Service in the amount of 84 cents per reduced working hour per day (e.g: You reduce from 40 to 30 hours per week and therefore receive 10 x 0.84 x 30 (if June) = 252 euros).

Requirements for part-time education

  • An uninterrupted employment relationship of at least six months with an employer above the marginal earnings threshold.
  • Agreement between employee and employer.
  • The employee must meet the eligibility requirements for unemployment benefit.
  • Participation in one or more educational measures totaling 10 hours per week.

Application procedure

  • Clarification with the employer
  • Clarification with the AMS
  • Written proof of 10 hours per week from the Vitalakademie
  • Application to the AMS
    Most of our make-up artist training courses are suitable for educational leave.

More info

In previous years, the AMS often promoted individual training and further education. In the meantime, however, the financing of training in adult education by the Labor Market Service is the exception rather than the rule. Jobseekers should nevertheless talk to their responsible AMS advisor about possible funding for the course costs. However, the basic prerequisite is always a positive assessment of the labor market-related usability of the training or further training.

AMS qualification support for employees

With this subsidy, the AMS supports the costs of further training for low-skilled and older employees. Employers (not employees!) can receive this support. In addition to educational criteria, the training must meet at least 24 course hours. 50 % of the course costs will be refunded.

Further information

AMS business start-up program

With the business start-up program, the Public Employment Service supports unemployed people in setting up viable new businesses and creating jobs. If this start-up program is used, any training costs are also borne by the AMS.

Further information

Promotion of personnel development

The Public Employment Service supports you in the further development of your employees. The Public Employment Service supports you in your company’s personnel development with qualifications for employees.

Further information

Upper Austria – Education account of the province of Upper Austria

The education account is used to promote job-oriented further training and retraining (excluding retraining as defined by the AMS) to secure employment. The state’s education account covers 30% (60% in exceptional cases) of the course costs up to a maximum total funding amount of EUR 2000 for almost all groups of people. The application for funding can only be submitted after the course has been completed.

Further information

Vienna – WAFF

The WAFF (Vienna Employee Assistance Fund) offers several funding options. The common requirement is always a residence in Vienna. Please clarify directly with the WAFF advisors which options are suitable for you.

Further information

Lower Austria – Education funding

The Province of Lower Austria makes a contribution to the financing of training costs for persons participating in vocational training measures. One requirement is that the training measure must serve the purpose of job-specific further training.

Further information

Salzburg – Education voucher

The aim of this funding campaign is to improve the professional qualifications of Salzburg employees to ensure their employability in current and future fields of activity. The Salzburg education voucher is used to support job-oriented further education or training courses in which qualifications are taught that can either be used directly in professional life or are a prerequisite for a desired career change (retraining).

Further information

Styria – Graz Fund for Advancement and Development

The “Graz Fund for Advancement and Development” (GraF0) is an offer for working Graz residents aged between 18 and 64 with a low household income. The Labor and Employment Department of the Social Welfare Office promotes courses, further training and retraining with a focus on professional development. Funding of up to 2,500 euros per person possible.

Further information

Burgenland – Qualification grant

The qualification promotion grant is used for further training in the current profession but also for people who want to change their profession. Training measures that are suitable for improving the employment situation and that do not fall within the remit of other funding bodies (AMS, WIBAG, etc.) are eligible for funding.

Further information

Tyrol – Education allowance update

The aim is to increase the professional qualifications of the workforce. Training and further education are supported with a grant of 30% (but max. 500 euros) of the course costs. Eligible persons include Employees, unemployed persons, persons returning to work, self-employed persons with max. 9 employees and people who have their place of residence or employment in Tyrol. Applications must be submitted no later than two weeks after the start of training. However, the grant is only paid out after the training has been completed.

Further information

Vorarlberg – Education grants

There are various funding opportunities in Vorarlberg. They differ according to the type of training and the group of people eligible for support. Applications can be submitted after the start of training at the earliest; the financial support is paid out after the end of training.

Further information

Carinthia – Education support for employees

The education grant provides financial support for employees, freelancers and people returning to work who are undergoing further vocational training at an educational institution recognized by the State of Carinthia. Sustainable professional use is a prerequisite. The application can be submitted at the earliest at the start of the training.

Further information

Expenses for educational measures such as training and further training or retraining are deductible as “income-related expenses” from the amount of your non-wage labor costs for tax purposes if they represent costs for further training, training in a related profession or comprehensive retraining. A professional connection is therefore an absolute prerequisite.

Deductible are:

  • Course costs (course fee)
  • Costs for documents, specialist literature
  • Costs for “work equipment” (e.g. pro rata PC costs)
  • additional travel costs
  • if necessary, daily allowances (for the first five days if the course does not take place at the place of residence or work)
  • Overnight stay costs

The costs can be taken into account in the income tax return, whereby employees receive a partial refund of wage tax and self-employed persons receive a reduction in the income tax payable.

Further information

High-quality professional products

Professionalism and quality are not only important to us in training, but of course also in the products we work with.

We have put together a product range that is professional and affordable AND plays in the premier league in terms of coverage, durability and pigmentation.
You can optionally purchase these starter packages at the start of each course.

Make-Up Artist Product Starter Package

for your Cambio Make-Up Artist course

€ 230,-

The Pro Make-Up starter package is recommended if you would like to attend the Cambio Makeup Artist training.

It contains all the special effect products you need for your training.

  • Cameleon Aqua Base Colors 12
  • Cameleon Body Painting Brush
  • Cameleon alcohol colors 6
  • Kryolan Pros Aide 50ml
  • Kryolan TV Paint Stick ivory & v23
  • Kryolan Bald Glatzan
  • Kryolan mastic
  • Kryolan eyebrow plastic surgery
  • Kryolan Fixing Powder
  • Kryolan liquid latex
  • Kryolan Artex
  • Various sponges
  • Various savings
  • Bond Off 10

Hair styling product starter package

for your Cambio Make-up Artist course

€ 99,-

The Pro Hair starter package is recommended if you would like to attend the Cambio Makeup Artist training.

Here are some styling products that you will need during your training.

  • Indola hairspray
  • Indola Styling Wax
  • Indola Texture Rough Up
  • Indola Texture Powder
  • Indola Seine Wax
  • Indola Texture Fibermold

Make-Up Artist exam at Cambio

Cambio stands for quality, our graduates are well-known in the industry and successful training at Cambio demonstrates craftsmanship and knowledge. Our tests ensure that this well-known quality can be maintained on a large scale.

The procedure

The make-up artist exam is similar to the make-up artist exam, but there is no theoretical part.

The practical part is divided into a more elaborate layout make-up and a theme make-up, the results are again assessed using a points system.

In the Layout Make-Up, the entire look of the given photo is to be recreated on the test model within one hour – make-up, hair styling and the outfit including accessories. The implementation and quality of execution is then assessed by the chairperson of the examination.

This leaves three hours for the supreme discipline – themed make-up. This differs in the SFX and Fashion course.

In the SFX Make-Up Artist course, the topic is announced one month before the exam and the course participant is then tasked with creating an entire mood board and using it to shape their ideas on a FaceChart. This FaceChart serves as a template for the model’s styling on the day of the test.

Once the 3-hour time limit has expired, your own look is presented together with the mood board, and the result, the execution, the wealth of ideas and the quality of the work are then assessed using a points system.

The Fashion Make-Up Artist is free to choose the theme of the Editorial Make-Up section and a mood board is created for it. During the three hours, two coordinated looks can be created and shot.

The fantastic results are again put in the right light by a professional photographer and unforgettable photos of the exam styling are created.

This course also concludes with an individual diploma which is awarded after the examination.

After the test

After training at Cambio, you have countless opportunities – you can become self-employed, apply for a job as a make-up artist in large companies, offer your work as an additional service in a company and much more. New jobs are created every day and there is guaranteed to be the right one for you and your skills.

Go for it! Follow your passion!

The beauty industry is currently booming and new products and trends are flooding the market.

The perfect time to get started as a make-up artist.

Commercial make-up used to be the preserve of hairdressers and beauticians, but those days are over – make-up artists now have their own profession, and rightly so.

The professional field has expanded considerably – beyond traditional clients and styling appointments, make-up artists can increasingly be found in the video & TV business, on photo shoots and fashion shows. They are sent out as brand ambassadors and build up their own business; established artists are also often hired as editors for magazines and online journals.

Depending on your personality and interests, there are countless opportunities to turn your passion into a career, whether in various perfumeries, at product counters, with color and style consultants, in various agencies or as a wedding stylist. It is possible to work as an employee, but also to become self-employed and set up your own company – as a part-time job or as a full-time job.

The basis for success is always a sound education and various further training courses in the specific areas – because knowledge creates independence.

It also requires a high degree of initiative when it comes to acquiring new knowledge, creativity to develop new ideas and visions, courage to explore new or as yet unknown paths and, above all, a great deal of passion – for the craft itself and the magic that can be achieved with it.

Improve your skills

With Cambio you have the opportunity to continue your development after your training, initially by collecting practical hours. It’s about more than just the hours – it’s about developing your skills, gaining experience, making contacts and also becoming familiar with new situations, e.g. photo shoots.

Use our network

Use the network we make available to you – the Cambio Family Group on Signal, for example, or on Facebook – where jobs are often advertised by us as well as by former graduates. But also use it to ask questions, take the initiative yourself and get partners on board for projects you would like to do.

So harness the power of a team, the Cambio Family, your course group, who believe in YOU and your talent.

Visualize your dreams

We start working with you on your dreams and goals during your training. Create your own vision wall, get inspiration and allow ideas that seem nonsensical at first – you’ll see that it’s worth it.

Our next courses

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