Cambio course booking - combined offer

All-in-one package make-up artist & lash stylist | Salzburg -Linz

Monthly payment possible from €688.99 (12 months)

The starter packages must be paid for before the course begins. You can find more information about the contents of the starter pack here.

The make-up artist training includes the Add-On Online Academy, which you can start immediately after booking – even if the practical days start later.

The All-in-One package allows you to book the most common courses required for business registration at a mega discount.

  • Dipl. Part-time make-up course (Online Academy & one Sunday per month from start date)
  • Part-time make-up artist course (one weekend per month from start date)
  • Lash styling course 1:1 technique (1 online lecture, 2 practical days)
  • Lash styling course volume / 3D technique (1 practical day – prerequisite is 15 models of the 1:1 technique after the 1:1 course and before the volume course)

Info Call

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Nenne hier einen konkreten Termin wo du am Besten Zeit für das Telefonat hast. (Montag bis Freitag je von 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr)
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Info Call

Hey Beauty! Nice that we will have a call!

Let us know when you can best be reached and when you have about 20 minutes to talk to us. We look forward to getting to know you without obligation!

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