Make-up workshops for private individuals in Vienna

Cambio not only offers training courses to learn how to apply make-up professionally, we are also the right place for YOU!

Do you finally want to get away from the boring “always the same” look and finally know what really suits you?
Everyone is talking about “concealer” “foundation” & co and you neither know what it is nor how to apply it correctly?
Are you ready for your make-up revolution?

Then book your make-up workshop at the Cambio Beautyacademy!

The Cambio Online Academy

your online make-up training is

– long-term, you have access for 1 year
– at exactly your pace
– and with much more content than would be possible in an on-site course

You can do your make-up step by step with your coach, click on Stop if you need more time or watch the steps as often as you like. Your most lasting make-up knowledge that you will never learn on YouTube & Co!

Incl. Free face measurement and personal tips and a private Q&A call with your coach!

Workshop on site

Info Call

Hey Beauty! Schön dass wir einen Call haben werden!

Gib uns Bescheid, wann du am Besten erreichbar bist und du ca. 20 Minuten in Ruhe Zeit hast für ein Gespräch. Wir freuen uns sehr, dich unverbindlich kennenzulernen!

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Dein Wunschtermin für den Infocall (ca. 15-20 min)
Nenne hier einen konkreten Termin wo du am Besten Zeit für das Telefonat hast. (Montag bis Freitag je von 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr)
Deine Nachricht

Info Call

Hey Beauty! Nice that we will have a call!

Let us know when you can best be reached and when you have about 20 minutes to talk to us. We look forward to getting to know you without obligation!

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