
Cambio's 10 principles


Cambio is and remains innovative

The development of the beauty industry constantly offers new starting points for innovative design concepts in all business areas that optimize the utility value of our training courses. New ideas for training concepts and the urge to constantly improve are the driving force behind our success.


Good design makes our service usable

The design of our offers and their usability are essential. The benefit for the customer and, above all, the relation to the working world go hand in hand with good design and the public image, because together they convey the quality of the content.


Cambio is aesthetic

The aesthetic quality of our products, our training and our appearance is particularly important, because the product benefits that we and our customers enjoy every day shape their personal environment and influence their well-being. As we all know, only what is well made can be beautiful.


Cambio is understandable

The best qualified trainers make our training courses what they are – understandable, among other things. They clearly illustrate the structure of our offers and courses. What’s more, they make our service speak for itself. Every single person is very important to us and is treated with respect, which also includes preparing the course content in a way that everyone can understand.


Our actions are honest

Our actions do not make our Academy appear more innovative, more efficient or more valuable than it actually is. It does not try to manipulate our customers with false promises. Transparency and honesty are two of our most important core values.


Our actions are unobtrusive

Services like ours, which fulfill a purpose, have the character of tools. They have valuable content and are useful. The design of our training courses gives people room for self-realization and the necessary tools are made available. You can therefore decide for yourself how much and what you use and, above all, what you ultimately make of it.


Cambio is durable

We avoid being fashionable and therefore never appear old-fashioned; we are authentic and true to ourselves. In stark contrast to short-lived fashion trends, our courses and structures will outlast today’s throwaway society for years without losing touch with the times. They are changeable in character and design but unbending in their basic structure.


Cambio is consistent

Our actions as well as our training and offers are consistent down to the last detail. Nothing should be left to arbitrariness or chance. The thoroughness and accuracy of the design and preparation are ultimately an expression of respect for the customer, who is always our top priority.


Cambio is environmentally friendly

When designing our processes, we take care to contribute to the preservation of the environment. It includes the conservation of resources as well as the minimization of physical and visual pollution.


Less is more

Less training is more, because it concentrates on the essentials instead of burdening course participants with useless and superfluous knowledge. An essential feature of our training courses is the way we deal with the acquisition of knowledge; it is man’s greatest asset and everyone has their own way of making it available to them.

Our mission statement

Our mission statement

This is our mission statement, our vision and mission.

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