Cambio course booking

Make-Up Artist Training | Vienna

Payment in installments possible from €269 per month

Part-time make-up artist training

Training can only be booked if make-up artist training has previously been booked or completed at Cambio or after application with photo portfolio and valid certificate.

The starter package product is not included in the basic price and can be booked as an option. You can find more information about the contents of the starter package here.


Get out of your comfort zone!

To be successful as a make-up artist, you need extensive knowledge in a wide range of areas, from complete type changes to extreme hairstyling.

It is therefore particularly important to complete a sound training course, which in turn is the specialty of our top trainers.

We offer the CAMBIO PRO Make-Up Artist course exclusively to our graduates as a 6-month advanced course after or during the Dipl. Make-up course into the world of make-up artists.

We divide our makeup artist courses into two main areas: FASHION & SFX

In the SFX (Special Effect) course, some course days are specially tailored to the techniques and arts for film and TV.

The FASHION focus includes special course days on the subject that prepare students for advertising shots, photo shoots, etc.

The course content is the same for SFX & Fashion Make-Up Artist:

  • Material science of special materials
  • Make-up eras 20s and 60s
  • Facial anatomy and structure
  • Working with facecharts
  • Contouring
  • Transvestite make-up
  • Men’s make-up
  • Extreme type change (bald head, creative work with metal effects)
  • UV color make-up, body painting
  • Classic hairstyling (curls, waves, straightening)
  • Braiding techniques, clip-in extensions, updos
  • Fashion and avant-garde hairstyles
  • Working with hair chalk, hairnets and creping irons
  • Skin Couture Styles, Daft Punk, Tower Hairstyles
  • Personal branding, marketing, community building
  • Be your own boss – Company 2.0

The special contents in SFX Make-Up Artist:

  • Introduction SFX Make-up
  • Old Age Make-up
  • Make-up with alcohol colors
  • Prosthetics Basics
  • Make-up with aqua colors

The special contents of the FASHION Make-Up Artist:

  • Instagram looks, extraordinary make-up styles
  • Building headpieces
  • Creating the perfect photo, digital image editing
  • HAIRSTYLING perfection day
  • Photo shoot styling

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