Cambio Internal

Welcome to the World of Cambio

This is your personal area with all downloads and links.
Access to this site and all content on it may not be passed on to third parties and is protected by copyright.

Great that you are part of the Cambio community! Our welcome video for you:

Important details about your training

The following documents contain important information about your apprenticeship or apprenticeships. It is best to read the introductory manual carefully so that you are optimally prepared for the course.

You can find the exact course schedule and the topics on each day in the document “Course content”. You can find out everything you need to know about the exam in the “Exam details” document.

Click here to go to the Cambio Pinterest Wall with lots of inspiration photos, e.g. for layout make-ups.

Additional qualification for business registration

Important documents to print out.

You will need these documents in the course and partly for your models. It is best to print them out!
The course day reflection is for you after each course day to reflect and make the day as efficient as possible.
You will need the face measurement sheet after the second module for all your models, as well as the feedback sheet.

Important documents for download.

These documents can be helpful for various challenges and serve as additional information or tools.

Business Info:

The declaration of consent must be completed by every person you photograph. Adapt this pattern to your data and print it out for all your styles.

The other documents contain important information on various topics. Have fun reading through it!

Face charts for download.

Course feedback on the course day:

Please give us a short feedback after the course day. We also want to constantly improve and, above all, offer you the best possible training. Your feedback will be forwarded to the instructor. If you want to give anonymous feedback, you do not have to enter your name. Please remember that we always do our best and we can only improve through constructive feedback. 🙂

!Only fill in after one course day!

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Wähle hier das Datum des Kurstages aus, an dem dein Praxistag stattgefunden hat.
Wähle hier den Kursort aus, an dem du deine Praxistage absolvierst.
Hier ist Platz für deine eigenen Worte
Hier ist Platz für deine eigenen Worte
Hier ist Platz für deine eigenen Worte
Hier ist Platz für deine eigenen Worte
Hier ist Platz für deine eigenen Worte

Student Shop:

Info Call

Hey Beauty! Schön dass wir einen Call haben werden!

Gib uns Bescheid, wann du am Besten erreichbar bist und du ca. 20 Minuten in Ruhe Zeit hast für ein Gespräch. Wir freuen uns sehr, dich unverbindlich kennenzulernen!

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Dein Wunschtermin für den Infocall (ca. 15-20 min)
Nenne hier einen konkreten Termin wo du am Besten Zeit für das Telefonat hast. (Montag bis Freitag je von 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr)
Deine Nachricht

Info Call

Hey Beauty! Nice that we will have a call!

Let us know when you can best be reached and when you have about 20 minutes to talk to us. We look forward to getting to know you without obligation!

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